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The easiest way to swap coins and tokens

Anonymous and Transparent

Find Best Cryptocurrency Exchange Rate on BitSwap

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    1 (BTC) ~ ... (ETH)

    You get

      More than 100 coins and tokens available for instant swap.

      No extra and hidden fees because all transactions and fees are transparent.

      Our service does not require any registration, so you won't need to provide any of your own personal data.

      Customer support is available for both English and Korean speaking customers.

      Swap coins and tokens with BitSwap

      Following the idea and the philosophy of Bitcoin, our key working principles are Anonymity and Transparency. BitSwap is a non-custodial service, we do not store your the keys to your private wallet and we do not need any of your personal data (such as name, e-mail, etc.)

      BitSwap also provides full information about the fees and rates before you initiate the transaction. So you can be sure that what you get is what you expected.

      Our partners


      What is BitSwap?

      BitSwap is an East Asian, non-custodial cryptocurrency exchange service that allows the exchange of one crypto for another within minutes. The service provides the best exchange rates and supports over 100 cryptocurrencies available for exchange. BitSwap is a non-custodial service, which means we do not store users’ funds within the service. On top of that, BitSwap never requests users’ data, i.e. email or ID, when making a transaction.

      What to consider when buying?

      Please always remember that cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and we recommend you to be extremely careful with each transaction. We also recommend you not to put your stock market investment experience into cryptocurrency trading. It's always important to research the project's asset you are going to invest. Due to the volatility of the cryptocurrencies and changing network fees, each transaction gets completed at its own unique exchange rate. As a result, your might have a different calculation rate with the expected one when the transaction is executed.

      How to store cryptocurrencies after purchase?

      After you decide which asset to purchase, you have got to find a reliable cryptocurrency wallet for it. Most of the cryptocurrencies develop their own desktop and/or APP wallet. However, most people prefer to store their assets on multi-currency wallets due to their functionality. Here are the BitSwap's recommendations for the choosing the multy -currency wallet: Custodial wallets:***link for the article in the blog*** Non-custodial wallets:***link for the article in the blog***

      What’s the difference between cryptocurrencies brokers, exchanges & P2P markets?

      The cryptocurrency brokers are intermediaries and services providing different types of solutions. For example, BitSwap is a cryptocurrency service which allows you to exchange from and to any asset in the list. Basically, BitSwap unites many exchange platforms and liquidity providers into one simple application. Services like BitSwap do not store and do not require your private keys or any of your private information. The exchanges - a common cryptocurrency exchange works similar to a stock exchange, where buyers and sellers execute spot trades according to the particular market price of the digital asset. The exchange platforms usually apply maker/taker, deposit and withdrawal fees to support the operation of their services. The important thing here is that most of the exchanges (excluding DEXes - decetralised exchanges) are built as the custodial services in order to provide instant transactions and trade closures. So it means that exchange platform are the companies storing your private keys, which is not always safe it terms of long-term investments in cryptocurrencies. P2P markets are the peer-to-peer cryptocurrency services where participants can trade directly with each other without any trusted third party to process all trades. The interactions between counterparties on peer-to-peer exchanges are directed exclusively by pre-programmed software. Peer-to-peer services are the appreciable example of Bitcoin and decentrazilation philosophy.

      Contact us

      If you have any questions, feel free to contact us to  or

      Find Best Cryptocurrency Exchange Rate on BitSwap

      You exchange

        1 (BTC) ~ ... (ETH)

        You get